At Nuno—which is Japanese for fabric—we blend the traditional and the contemporary. Since our start in 1984, Nuno has worked exclusively with weavers and dyers in Japan, combining old practices with new technologies to create textiles that are original, distinctive, and fresh. We are honored that Nuno designs are in the collections of major museums around the world.
NunoWorks was launched in 2002 as a showcase for hand-printed textiles—silk-screened, stamped, or stenciled—that are bold and modern. As we go forward, our energies are focused on taking the next step for Nuno.
NUNO WORKSは、2002年にスタートしました。型染、シルクスクリーン、転写をはじめ、様々な捺染技法で仕上げる布づくりを展開し、大胆な構図、モダンな色使いが高く評価されています。
NUNO、NUNO WORKSがつくるテキスタイルは、伝統的な染織技術と現代のテクノロジーとが融合した「現代の布」づくりを目指しています。